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Fukuoka Prefectural University

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Fukuoka Prefectural University

Faculty of Nursing

Fukuoka Prefectural University's Faculty of Nursing offers state-of-the-art facilities and superlative training to aspiring nurses. Our reputation for excellence rests upon the professionalism of our graduate body and the remarkable contribution they have made to public health and the greater welfare of societies both at home and abroad. From the point of their matriculation, our undergraduates are immersed in courses and training programmes ranging from midwifery to general care. They emerge, without exception, fully-equipped to take their place in the specialist field of their choosing ― confident, professional, dedicated and a credit to both this university and their place of employment.

Our Vision


We strive to produce nurses who are well-educated, well-trained and who have well-rounded characters. Their collective goal is to contribute to the health and welfare of people in the local community.

The Faculty of Nursing therefore encourages initiative, a flexible approach and cooperation with other professionals in related fields such as healthcare, medical care and social welfare.

The fundamental principles of the Faculty of Nursing at Fukuoka Prefectural University

The following principles, as held by the Faculty of Nursing, are applied towards the development of professionals capable of contributing to the health and welfare of local communities.

  1. To nurture humanity based on understanding, sympathy and good ethics.
  2. To develop practical and theoretical problem-solving abilities drawn from scientific rationales and incorporating professional viewpoints, knowledge, and skills.
  3. To encourage the ability to learn proactively and think creatively, thereby fostering leadership skills.
  4. To foster empathy and a broad perspective regarding health issues and patient care.
  5. To instill the interdisciplinary and self-adjusting capabilities necessary to adapt to changing circumstances.
  6. To cultivate understanding and respect with regard to other cultures and lifestyles.
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