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Fukuoka Prefectural University

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Fukuoka Prefectural University

International Exchange

At Fukuoka Prefectural University, we encourage our students to become active participants in the global community. In pursuit of this objective, and in recognition of Fukuoka's renowned status as "the gateway to Asia," the university has traditionally looked to its Asian neighbours for the establishment of sister-school relationships and the creation of student exchange programmes.

As part of this ongoing commitment to globalization and the creation of a more culturally-aware graduate body, Fukuoka Prefectural University offers a range of exchange programmes for study-abroad students wishing to broaden their horizons and immerse themselves in Japanese language and culture. These programmes are held in conjunction with the universities listed below and are complemented by additional collaborative activities such as the exchange of academic personnel and the hosting of international symposiums.

Furthermore, an elective study-abroad programme to the United Kingdom was established as an accredited course at Fukuoka Prefectural University in 2011 and has been a constant feature of the curriculum ever since.


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Academically-affiliated Universities

In response to the global pandemic, Fukuoka Prefectural University's study-abroad programmes have been indefinitely postponed since the beginning of the 2020-21 academic year. The programmes will be reactivated as soon as it is safe to do so.

Fukuoka Prefectural University encourages its students to take advantage of its long-term (one-year) study-abroad programmes to universities in China and Korea:

Nanjing Normal University (China, agreement concluded in 1994) 

Daegu Haany University (Rep. of Korea, agreement concluded in 2006) 

Beijing University of Chinese Medicine (China, agreement concluded in 2009)

Sahmyook University (Rep. of Korea, agreement concluded in 2010) 

Uiduk University (Rep. of Korea, agreement concluded in 2015)

Zhuhai College of Jilin University (China, agreement concluded in 2016)

Alternatively, Fukuoka Prefectural University students may choose to participate in the following short-term study-abroad programmes to the United Kingdom and Korea.

Short-term study-abroad programmes

The UK Programme

In the summer of 2019, 12 students from Fukuoka Prefectural University visited the historical city of Bath, one of the United Kingdom's most beautiful cities and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. While there, they experienced the British way of life by doing a homestay, participated in English language classes at Bath College, and explored other world-famous places of cultural significance such as Stonehenge and Oxford. Our students prepared for this once-in-a-lifetime experience by attending a special orientation course prior to departure. Like the programme itself, this course is accredited and focuses on "survival English," critical thinking, and the many cultural differences between Japan and the UK.

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Each year and without exception, every participating student has his or her "Eureka!" moment. It occurs all of a sudden when he or she realizes that the English language is not just a classroom language and that they themselves can speak it with considerable expertise. It's a wonderful, wonderful moment!

The 2019 UK Programme (September 1-16, 2019)

The city of Bath is named after the Roman baths that were built in what is now the centre of the city approximately 2,000 years ago. Aside from the baths, the city is also renowned for its abbey (also known as Bath Cathedral) and eighteenth-century architecture, as exemplified by the Royal Crescent.

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Jumping for joy at the Royal Crescent, a Bath landmark!

The students were able to experience the British way of life by staying in homestay accommodation and took a course of English language classes at Bath College. The classes were conversation-based and, in accordance with how languages are taught in the UK (and, indeed, at FPU!), extremely interactive and fun. It was a highly beneficial and thoroughly enjoyable cultural and educational experience. The students learned a lot by interacting with their homestay families and with other Bath citizens in places such as cafeterias and restaurants.

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All together outside Bath College!

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A fun classroom atmosphere!

The students were also able to venture beyond Bath to other world-famous places such as Oxford, Stonehenge, and Lacock. In Oxford, the students were able to soak up the academic atmosphere at Christ Church College and enjoyed looking around the same dining room that was used as the Hogwarts dining room in the first Harry Potter movie. Also in Oxford, the impressive Radcliffe Camera, home to many of the world's oldest and most valuable books, made a perfect photo opportunity!

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Feeling the magic in the Hogwarts dining room (Christ Church College)!

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The Radcliffe Camera, possibly the world's most beautiful library!

The feeling of being in a time machine and traveling back through British history was never stronger than when the students visited the ancient and mysterious monument of Stonehenge. Built more than 4,500 years ago (even before the Egyptian pyramids!), the students wondered, as so many visitors have before them, how an ancient and primitive people could have moved the massive stones and built the monument with such precision. A mystery indeed!

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Sunshine, shadows, and Stonehenge!

Lacock Abbey lies in the beautifully preserved village of Lacock (which itself has served as a movie location, most recently for Mysterious Beasts). The abbey was built roughly 800 years ago and, until about 50 years ago, was one of the few places with an original copy of the Magna Carta. For our students, however, its main appeal was in its resemblance to Hogwarts, the classroom and corridor scenes having been filmed there. It's also where the world's first photograph was taken (a view from one of Lacock's windows) 140 years ago.

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Everyone happy in the beautiful abbey grounds!

A particular honour for our students was meeting the Lord Mayor of Bath and other VIPs in a reception held especially for our students in the Mayor's Parlour. The Lord Mayor kindly answered our students' questions, ranging from social problems in Bath to how our students might help facilitate relations between the UK and Japan. It was a rare opportunity and one which our students will never forget.

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Meeting the Lord Mayor of Bath (a great honour for our students!)

The 2019 UK Summer Programme was a great success in every respect. The students were able to learn about British culture, improve their English language ability, make new friends and, perhaps most importantly, gain a more global perspective. At the end of their language course at Bath College, they were even presented with a special certificate of achievement, something they will surely treasure for years to come (and which may prove useful when applying for jobs!). The programme will of course be reactivated as soon as the global pandemic has run its course and it is once again safe to travel to the UK. We hope very much that you will be able to join us!

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Proudly showing their Bath College certificates!

Short-term training programme in Korea

Apart from the UK Programme, Fukuoka Prefectural University students wishing to participate in short-term study-abroad programmes may also visit Korea.

In March 2019, six Fukuoka Prefectural University students spent a total of five days at two of our partner universities in Korea, specifically Daegu Haany University and Sahmyook University. At both universities, our students were warmly welcomed by Korean students studying Japanese language and culture. The students introduced themselves in the other party's language and then participated in a range of exchange activities.

Fukuoka Prefectural University students were also treated to guided tours of the surrounding cities and were able to immerse themselves in Korean culture. It was a truly wonderful and unforgettable five days!

What's New


Graduation ceremony and departure ceremony for our departing Nanjing Normal University students (July 24, 2019)

Three Nanjing Normal University students received graduation certificates in recognition of their studies at Fukuoka Prefectural University.

The three students had come to Japan for one year to complete their MA theses on Japanese language and culture. During their acceptance speeches, all three of the students expressed their gratitude to our President and said that they had thoroughly enjoyed their time in Japan. There was, of course, some sadness as they said their goodbyes. However, the sorrow of parting will inevitably subside; the good memories and the friendships will endure.

International Exchange Tutor commissioning ceremony (July 1, 2020)

Seven Fukuoka Prefectural University students, all of whom had recently returned to the university after one-year stays abroad, were presented with certificates by our President. The certificates commemorated the completion of their courses at one of our partner universities in Korea, and also confirmed their appointments as International Exchange Tutors for the remainder of the current academic year.

As International Exchange Tutors, the seven students will support a range of international exchange activities and also lend a helping hand to other Fukuoka Prefectural University students wishing to study abroad.

At the commissioning ceremony, each of the students spoke about what they felt they had gained from their experience abroad. Apart from developing their Korean language skills and gaining a deeper understanding of Korean culture, the seven students talked about how each of them had "grown up" and matured. This will undoubtedly be of great benefit to the seven students as they make their way in the wider world. Furthermore, it will also serve to inspire other students wishing to follow their example.

Graduation ceremony, departure ceremony and farewell party for international students (January 27, 2020)

To mark the occasion of ten students returning to their respective universities in Korea and China, each of the students was presented with a certificate and commemorative photobook. Professor Koike, Chair of Fukuoka Prefectural University's International Committee, congratulated the students on the completion of their one-year study courses.

The farewell party held later that evening was attended by our President and by a large number of local residents, all of whom regularly support our international students in a variety of ways too numerous to mention.

The party was a truly international and intergenerational event, full of smiles, mutual respect and goodwill. Fukuoka Prefectural University extends its heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated.